

The module rcmail is currently broken.


Notes 4.7.x <

rcmail was updated to work with drupal-4.7. But there are two outstanding tasks:

Notes Drupal 5.x

The automatic installation of tables needed by roundcubemail could not be done by a procedure of hook_install. Because drupal strips all protection characters like ' or ` . Because roundcubemail uses fieldnames like 'from' or 'reply-to' in the identities table f.e. Without protecting characters this breakes the MySQL syntax.



Support / Development

Please use the rcmail project site at drupal.

If you need fast response or modification for your own needs1) please contact me at polyformal to open a business track.



please have a look at Versions before.

rcmail.module comes with 2 different patches for 2 flavors of using adressbooks. The one with the great advantage to use the addressbook from civicrm, wich needs the patch patch_ab_civicrm.txt . The other one with the standard addressbook from roundcubemail needs patch_ab_rc.txt

Superuser 2007/03/24 12:50 civicrm is not supported yet, because it seems like that nobody needs it.


before // you can define specific table names used to store webmail data $rcmail_config['db_table_users'] = 'users'; after // you can define specific table names used to store webmail data $rcmail_config['db_table_users'] = 'rcmail_users';

There is also an file called roundcubemail/SQL/mysql.initial.sql for mysql 4.x. It should work in the same way.

before CREATE TABLE `contacts` after CREATE TABLE `rcmail_contacts`

when using vi/vim you can use can use:


In the file rcmail.module you can change the $key variable in the _encrypt() and _decrypt() function to any random characters. Booth $key must have the same content.

Finish and Check it out


This is a matrix witch patch matches the right roundcube version.

patch roundcube drupal
patch_ab_rc.txt 1.4 0.1beta2 4.7.3
patch_ab_rc.txt 1.5 0.1beta2 5


This gives an overview how it was modified, for everybody who is interested in.

make patch with addressbook from civicrm diff -ruN roundcubemail/ drupal/modules/rcmail/roundcubemail/ -x .svn -x config > patch_ab_civicrm.txt make patch with rcmail standard addressbook diff -ruN roundcubemail/ drupal/modules/rcmail/roundcubemail/ -x .svn -x config -x program > patch_ab_rc.txt


Task Status Priority Comments
Basic Integration Complete 1 Javascript issue
Security Complete 1 handled via drupals session_db
Crypted Passwords Complete 1 handled via php mcrypt
CiviCRM integration In Progress 2 difficult if, there were different databases, works when same db as drupal (table prefix civicrm_
# adressbook In Progress 2 Query, Update & New works basicly
solve firstname-surname-display_name issue
solve 'edit contact'→email
delete contacts(?)
# activities 3log sent email
# permissions 3check drupals settings for civicrm, also perissions for groups
drupal-4.7.0 tag Complete 2 issues with grab and modify formdata in case:update hook_user
patch for civicrm adressbook
code cleanup 2
iframe dimensions 3adminster task
signature fom user 3


for example integration of your favorite CRM with addresses and activity tracking